• +39 02 8716 8594
  • info@officerentmilan.com
Office space rentals in Milan - Office Rent Milan

OfficeRentMilan is a real estate broker based in Milan (Italy), focused only on commercial spaces, and more particularly office spaces. We only deal in rentals, willing to become a reference for this service in our city.

What makes us special and different from the other real estate agencies you find in great quantity along the city streets is the fact that being focused on office space rentals we take care of a niche that is usually overlooked by standard "agenzia immobiliare", especially the ones working in franchising networks, for which the commercial spaces are most often a nuisance, being dedicated to take care of residential sales.

Our Business Model

For Coworking Spaces

We act as introductory brokers, we simply refer the location and the operator to our clients, earning a fee from the owner for the introduction

For independent, large, Office Spaces

We act as a realtor charging brokerage fees on both sides of the transaction

What do we do

When given an office space to be rented out


We put together all the relevant documents of the property, alerting the owner if something important is missing


We fill in the appropriate anti money laundering papers for each counterparty we deal with


We make sure the property is in the best shape to take pictures and make a gallery for it


Professional pictures of the office space, with specific optics and a tripod. We work a lot also with videos.


We format the property map according a single standard so to make all the properties we cover comparable with each other


In particular cases, where we are not able or it's not possible to take decent pictures, we create computer renderings of the property


We publish the office space on all our social channels and the major real estate portals of the country


We take care of the pshysical visits prospective tenants ask to make to see the office space in person


We help the clients to draft down the most appropriate rental contract


We put an end to our assistance when the keys are delivered to the new tenant

The clients' needs are at the top of our priorities, please contact us at info@officerentmilan.com

Hai un ufficio da dare in affitto?

Do you have an office to rent?